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Fattoria La Gerla

The La Gerla property is situated at 320 meters above sea level, on the gentle slopes below Montalcino. This small wine estate has established itself as one of the great crùs in this territory in the heart of Tuscany, delineated by the Orcia and Ombrone valleys.

The owner, Sergio Rossi, was formerly involved in advertising. He was the director of three European offices of a famous agency and was used to travelling for work and to losing sleep over lay-outs and jingles. These days he is almost an "ilcinese," and he loves his vineyards as if they were children.

This gentleman, with his vivacious character, has succeeded in his goal of creating a small crù in Montalcino where the most modern technology is combined with the know-how of local men and one winemaker. At La Gerla, human intervention plays an important role in extracting excellent Tuscan products from the land.

The farmhouse, with the characteristic name "Colombaia" was once the property of the Biondi Santi family. They used it to make one of the best Brunellos in the area. Sergio Rossi purchased the property in 1976 and restructured it with care and attention to detail. Not long afterwards in 1978, he created the trademark La Gerla.



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